Monday, March 27, 2023

How to gematria

Gematria is a numerical value assigned to letters, words and phrases in ancient Hebrew cultures. It is believed to have originated in Babylonian times, but it is still used today to find hidden meanings in words and phrases. In this article, we will discuss how you can use gematria to find deeper meanings in the world around you.

First, let's begin by defining what gematria is. The basic concept of gematria is assigning a numerical value to every letter or word and then adding up the total values to see what it means. For example, if we used the Hebrew alphabet and assigned each letter with a number from 1-9; Aleph is 1, Beth is 2, Gimel 3 etc., then B'reishit (Hebrew for "in the beginning") would add up to 9 + 5 + 4+ 9 + 6 + 5+1= 39. According to ancient mysticism, this number can be interpreted as "the infinite power of creation".

It's important to note that gematria isn't just confined to Hebrew alphabet/words; any language or phrase can be subjected to this method of analysis. For example, if you assign each letter of the English alphabet a numerical value of A being 1, B being 2 etc then "love" would equal 12+15+22+5=54. This can be interpreted as "Creative awareness brings new life forms into existence".

Now that you know how gematria works, how can you use it in your everyday life? First, consider one word or phrase that has some special significance for you - something that speaks to who you really are - and apply the same principles of gematria as outlined above. This simple action provides an easy way for you to gain insight into yourself on a deeper level as numbers have numerological properties which humans have been interpreting for centuries.

You can also use gematria on words or concepts that are important for your chosen field or career path - or simply any topic of interest! When exploring these ideas using gematria reveals better ways of expressing an idea through the language of mathematics - which many people find appealing when approaching difficult concepts such as tackling technical problems at work or understanding complicated philosophical teachings at university level. Gematria offers insights which often go beyond traditional understandings while also providing clarity on practical matters such as project management strategies and decision-making processes found within organisations and businesses alike.

See more about gematria decoder

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