Gematria is a system of assigning numerical values to words and phrases, primarily used in Jewish mysticism, within the Kabbalah. It is an ancient system of numerology that has been used since at least the 7th century CE, and remains influential today in some forms. The tradition behind Gematria is that numbers have inherent meaning, and assigning them to words or phrases can unlock their deeper meaning.
Gematria assigns numerical values to words by adding up the numerical value of the letters which make up the word. For example, the numerical value for God in Gematria would be calculated as follows: G = 3, O = 6, D = 4; therefore, God = 13. By using this formula, every word or phrase can be converted into its numerical value.
The mystical practice of Gematria dates back to at least the 6th century CE in Babylonian-influenced Jewish circles. In this era it was used as a hermeneutic tool for interpreting sacred texts. The idea was that numbers could reveal hidden interpretations within religious texts - essentially giving a numerological aspect to their interpretation. The tradition further expanded and developed in later centuries amongst Jewish mystics such as Kabbalists and Chassidim.
how can gematra be used?
Gematria is an ancient form of numerology that assigns numerical values to letters and words according to their sounds. It originated in the Hebrew culture, but many people today use it to uncover hidden meanings behind words and discover the deeper truth behind their actions. In this article, we'll explore some of the ways gematria can be used.
The most common use for gematria is to gain insight into a person's character. By examining a name or phrase corresponding to its numerical values, you can uncover qualities such as creativity, ambition and social confidence to name a few. By understanding these qualities, you can get a better idea of how someone is likely to act in certain situations or what path they may take in life.
Another way people use gematria is for divination purposes. This involves using numerical values of words and phrases to obtain messages from the spiritual world by connecting them with bible verses or sacred texts. For example, if the numerical value of the phrase "the planets are aligning" corresponds with a bible verse, it could mean something significant predicted in that verse might soon come true.
Lastly, gematria can be used as an effective tool for meditation and contemplation on certain topics or questions. By finding words and phrases that have specific numerical values related to your questions or topics of interest you can gain another perspective on these things through meditation and contemplation of this sacred language form.
See more about gematra
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